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Magzter Offcampus Drive for 2023 Batches

Magzter Offcampus Drive for 2023 Batches

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Company Magzter
Role Software Engineer
Batch 2023
Education B.Tech/B.E
Salary 3.5 LPA - 5 LPA
Last Date Apply Asap
Location Chennai, India
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Greetings from Magzter Digital Private Ltd, World's largest digital magazine & newsstand app.

Magzter is a cross-platform, self-service, global digital magazine newsstand with over 19,000 magazines from 5000+ publishers. The Company is headquartered in New York.

Experience – Fresher

Qualification – B.Tech/B.E Computer Science (2023 Engineering graduate)

Job Location - Chennai

Preferred candidate should be from Chennai and must be an immediate joiner.

Do you consider yourself to be a creative individual who is willing step outside of the box to raise the bar in mobile technology development?

Then you might be the right team member we are looking for!

We are hiring for freshers, 2023 passed out who have completed their B.Tech or B.E in Computer Science engineering. Our ideal candidate should be able to actively contribute to the team, have good communication skills, work well under tight deadlines and have an eye for detail.

The Job responsibilities would be to work closely with the mobile technology team.

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